
Tuesday 22 June 2021

Toku whakapapa

 Today we were learning maori so we did a family tree about it but in maori we had to do our mum side and our dad side it was so cool screencastify he are the words that we use for our screencastify and family tree.

We had to do it on  google drawing and then we put our family name on it and we screencastify . Check my work down below 

Sunday 20 June 2021

Prototec math

For my math learning we did protec math I did level 4 again because I got 80% before so I learned now i got 100% and i was so happy to get it now i will be working on level 5 now . Something that i really love is working and thinking hard about it . Something that it was hard was to focus . Something that was fun is this taking my time .

 Check my work down below 


Saturday 12 June 2021

My Swimming safety


Swim magic

During this  two last week been going to Swim magic is on Morrin Road we went there with my class we went there to learn how to swim when we are in danger are we have been chase by a shark.

At first I felt so excited and scared  to learn how to safely swim in the water so I knew what to do .Things I could already do in the water were  float on my back and to kick with my feet  and to freestyle .I hoped to learn more about safety swimming  there at swim magic . 

During our lesson we had to listen to the instructor so we knew what to do and also to not do anything silly while we were swimming.We were learning to do  different swimming in the pool and to  know how we can float on our backs. The hard things were diving down and holding our breath when we needed to . The skills I enjoyed practising were floating on my back .

At the end I felt sad because we had no more swimming lessons.My biggest challenge was to swim on my back and to aslo to dive underwater . Compared to the start I did really well at the end but at the start I was the best at swimming but I got better each day. I will use these skills to be  safe in the water and in the pool.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Book Review

 This Week we have been reading books I have read Raya and the last dragan I really like it because it is a Great book to read and also you can watch as well it was fun to read . It because she has to get all of Dragon gem and put it back to together and free the people from stone . I hope you like my work.

Check my work down below 

Friday 4 June 2021

Cybersmart 12

 This week we have been doing cybersmart really like it because it was telling us what you what to share and not share. What i learn is you don't need to share everything it your chose to share are not to share  


Thursday 3 June 2021

RE body and blood

Today we learned about jesus christ so we did a drawing of the last supper it was fun what people made and draw. I showed a picture of my drawing i hope you like it it was super fun to draw it i hope you like it . Jesus said in the last supper . I shall not drink any more wine until the day i drink the new wine in the kingdom of God . I also did a picture so you could compare it to my drawing . First thing tat we did we can listen to a spoken text. Second thing we did we unpacked the meaning of the text and the third thing we did . We can transfer import information from written text to visual text .

Check my picture  down below 

Jesus Ascension - DLO

 This week we have been learning about jesus ascension we did a DLO were you put words about your learning it was fun doing it because we could right words we know and if we didn't now we will learn about those word. We did a lot of work on jesus ascension so we could understand about it so we could tell it to our cousin or family. It was so fun learning about jesus ascension i hope you will like my activity.

 Check my work down below 

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Jesus ascension

 This term we have been learning about jesus so we did something that related we  did and activity that means about jesus the first part was when he came palm sunday the second part was .When he  had last supper and the last part when he went on the cloud to heaven we did a activity that related to it we also did a storyboard so you could see it .

Jesus entered Jerusalem - on a donkey 50 days before Ascension day.

On Thursday of the week that followed Palm Sunday - Jesus had his last meal with his apostles

The day after his last supper Jesus - was put to death on  calvary hill. 

Jesus lay in a tomb for 3 days and then God raised him up. 

After his resurrection Jesus showed himself - to his friends and some did not recognise him.

He spent time with his apostles and - told them he was going to return to his father

50 days after Palm Sunday Jesus made it possible for his followers to do the same thing

Because Jesus entered heaven in glory he - was taken by God to share his glory in heaven